Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Not going deep enough...

Current mood: cranky

ARGHHHHH!!!!! Lets see. 5 tourneys, two cahes and the cashes i have made are exactly enough to cover al 5 buy-ins. Annoying to say the least. last night i made 10th out of 180. 9th place is the final table. today 12th. its getting annoying. I think I am going to take the night off, go to the bar, but wait! free bar tourney.. i am going to blow off steam from playing pokre by you guessed it! playing more poker! woo hoo..

also i am pretty sure i am getting that new car next week! wooooot!!! oh well thats it. I am just bored as shit and though i'd post. read no further if you don't like whining.

bad beat #1. I am lucky my chat wasn't banned for this one.

basically I am on the button with 10 10 late in a mtt (in the money) and there are 4 limpers.. I raise to about 7 times the blinds, why? For one i like my pocket pairs heads up and there have been a lot of limpers at my table only to see a bettor and the bettor winning the pot uncontested. it works but the guy who calls is in first position. the fact that he can call here and not re-raise makes me think. well the flop comes 1073 two spades. GREAT! I hit my set and lets hope this guy isn't gonna go somwhere on a spade draw(foreshadowing?). well he bets and i check my notes and notice he has a litte cb i put on him. This means that if he raises pre-flop he is very likley to bet on hte flop regardless of what is on it based on how i have watched himplay up to that point. Me having the current nuts raise about 5 times his bet trying to get him out right away OR crack a set he could've made or possibly A 10. well he calls. the turn. the dreaded deuce! oh wow i have this guy dominated. he checks. i bet out all-in (putting him all in and leaving me with about 4,000 chips) he calls and flips over aj of spades! this guy has committed to drawing this whole pot out, with me betting THE SHIT out of it on a spade draw!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK! well guess what the river brings. a spade and donkey boy goes on to win the pot and assume 2nd in chips (i was chip leader at this point with two tables to go) WHAT A FUCKING MORON! I went on to say bad things about the young child i had assumed was his in his avatar as well as other shit and am lucky to still have chat. I couldn't manage to recover from losing this hand and went out soon after when my ak was buckled when a guy with aq hits two pair on me. talk about a suckout. um. yeha, just talking about that hand again has put me on tilt and im not even playing poker right now. im done whining now. i shoulda won that pot and i shoulda won that tourney but whatever. have a nice day.

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